Establishing Coherence with Alignment of Goals

Connecticut’s Educator Evaluation and Support System clearly defines effective practice, encourages the exchange of accurate, useful information about educator strengths and development areas, and promotes collaboration and shared ownership for professional growth. Continuous improvement of student learning as well as teacher and administrator practice is at the core of these practices. As districts transition from compliance to coherence when implementing their educator evaluation and support systems, educators are finding great value in aligning performance and practice focus areas, goals for student learning, and high-quality professional learning systems.

This document provides examples of alignment and coherence from several districts to illustrate how they are refining the implementation of their educator evaluation and support systems to promote a shared responsibility for student learning among district leaders, school administrators, and teachers. In order to achieve overall school improvement as well as address identified student learning needs, practice and performance areas and professional learning need to directly support the attainment of improved student learning.

The CSDE thanks the following districts and their Professional Development and Evaluation Committees (PDECs) for their willingness to open a window into their continued practices of improving teaching and learning. As these examples are excerpts of each district’s overall educator evaluation and support processes, readers are encouraged to contact these educators directly for additional information.

  • Meriden Public Schools
    Establishing Coherence with Performance and Practice Focus Areas
  • Consolidated School District of New Britain
    “Students First” Alignment of District Priorities to School, Teacher and Student Learning Goals/Objectives
  • Cromwell Public Schools
    District Goal Alignment
  • Naugatuck Public Schools
    District Goal Alignment
  • Regional School District #9
    District Goal Alignment/li>
  • Windsor Public Schools
    District Goal Alignment
  • High-quality Professional Learning Systems to Enhance Educator Practice and Student Outcomes
  • Guidance for an Effective PDEC
  • Connecticut General Statutes for PDECs and Professional Learning