Home / Moving from Compliance to Coherence Conference – February 25, 2016
Moving from Compliance to Coherence Conference – February 25, 2016

Presentations, Handouts and Additional Materials
Session A
A1 A Model of Continuous Improvement: Self-Directed Collaborative Inquiry Teams - Coventry
100 Day Coherence Plan Updated
Assessment Reduction Action Plan 2015
Lesson Plan Template
Guidelines for Looking at Student Work
Instructional Rounds History
Instructional Strategies
Pedagogical Approaches CPS
Student Work Protocol District-Wide 2015-2016
Student Work Protocol September 2015
A2 A Model of Continuous Improvement: Self-Directed Collaborative Inquiry Teams - West Hartford
A3 Strengthening Student-Centered Learning Through "Visible Learning Visits" - Windsor Locks
Instructional Dialogue Compilation
VLV Blank Debrief Template
VLV findings
Windsor Locks MS VLV Protocol
A4 Building Secondary Instructional Coherence - Cromwell
A5 Seeking Coherence through Program Evaluation- New Haven
The impact of the E^3 program
Teacher Facilitator
Teacher Facilitator - Role Description
E^3 Proposal
PLAC Presentation Handout 2
PLAC Presentation Handout 3
A6 Complementary Observers - Region #5
Session B
B1 School-Based Teacher-Led Instructional Rounds - EASTCONN
B2 Professional Learning to Promote a Digital Pedagogy - Plainville
B3 Aligning Student and Educator Goals and Practices - East Lyme
B4 Implementing High Quality Early Literacy Instruction Through Collaborative Practice - Hartford
Curriculum Roll-Out Plan
B5 Toward the New SAT and a Vitalized PLC - Trumbull
B6 Using Learning Targets as a School and District Instructional Improvement Strategy - Watertown
Session C
C2 Using Inquiry, Technology, and Challenge-Based Projects to Increase Student Engagement and Learning - Stafford
Cycle of Inquiry Task - Handout
Sample Goals - Handout
PLC vs. COP - Handout
Review of Practice Exercise and Agreements - Handout
C3 Personalized Professional Learning: A Unified Approach - Willington
C4 Using Data to Develop Professional Learning Focused on District-Wide Coherence - Montville
C5 Cultivating Teacher Leadership Through Peer Evaluation and Support - CREC
C6 Using Inquiry, Technology, and Challenge-Based Projects to Increase Student Engagement and Learning - Region #6