CT Guidelines for Educator Evaluation

Connecticut’s educators are committed to ensuring that students develop the skills and acquire the knowledge they will require to lead meaningful and productive lives as citizens in an interconnected world. This responsibility is shared among students, teachers, administrators, parents, the community, local boards of education, the state board of education, and local and state governments. CT’s Guidelines for Educator Evaluation (approved by the SBE on June 27, 2012) will help ensure that Connecticut’s schools develop the talented workforce that it requires to inspire our students to higher levels of performance.

The Guidelines provide direction to school districts as they develop and adopt new systems of educator evaluation and support. The Guidelines were informed by research, including the Gates Foundation’s Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) study. The MET study and other research have consistently found that no school-level factor matters more to students’ success than high-quality teachers and leaders. To support teachers and leaders, we need to clearly define effective practice, develop systems and practices that give accurate, useful information about strengths and areas for development and provide opportunities for growth and recognition throughout the career continuum.